Tuesday, March 11, 2014

God Is So Good

Brynn and I were waiting for her Neurosurgeon to come into the room so we spent some time having fun!  Here is how we entertained ourselves!

Yes, we were being a bit crazy but it passed the time and we had fun!
The best part is we received great news from her MRI last week.  Brynn has lipomyelomeningocele.  Dr. Mahr said if you have to have spina bifida, this is the best kind to have.  Brynn has a normal brain and will never have to worry about becoming hydrocephalic or have chiari with her form of spina bifida.  He thinks there is a 50/50 chance she can potty train.  He said, "Go for it and see what happens!"  China indicated she could not control her bowel or bladder but we have seen what seems to be feeling and control since having Brynn.  He said she looks great and he did not want to see her for a year unless she is having problems.  Her spinal cord is tethered but he does not was to release it at this time.  His philosophy is, if she is not having any symptoms, don't mess with it.  If she starts having back pain, leg pain or potty trains and then starts having no control, we will have to discuss detethering the spinal cord at that time! Yeah we are so happy!  This coming Monday we see the Urologist and will see what they have to say.  Her kidney and bladder ultra sound were good.  She did leave some urine in the bladder when emptying so we will see if anything is going to be done about that!  God is sooo good! 

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