Wednesday, March 5, 2014

It Has Come and Gone

I have to admit that I dreaded this day for some time and now it has come and is behind us!  Today Brynn and I left at 5:50 A.M. for Motts Children's Hospital in Ann Arbor.  Brynn was scheduled to arrive at 7:00 A.M. and to have her MRI at 8:00 A.M.  I have dreaded today because Brynn had to be put to sleep to have her brain and spine MRI.  I just hated to do that to her but it is the only way to get the MRI accomplished.  We have to know what is going on behind that scar on her back.  She came with nothing other than the diagnosis of Spina Bifida.  Her file claims her spina bifida surgery was done on May 12, 2010 but that is also suppose to be the date that she came into the orphanage.  It is a little hard to believe that the day she arrived, she had surgery too. 

Brynn wasn't real happy going into her MRI but came out our easy, going, smiley Brynn.  She sang and talked in the car on the way home.  She is sooo amazing!!!  The RN that had her in recovery said that she took the anesthetic real well and came out of it real well!  He asked me, "Is she always this easy going and happy?"  I said, "Yup, she sure is!"  I was so happy when they called me to recovery and I could hold my girl!  I am so glad this day is behind us.  Next Tuesday we meet with her Neurosurgeon to go over the MRI results.

Here are some pictures of my girl being released:


tconlan said...

What a blessing that sweet girl is, so resilient. I'm glad this day is behind you, praying for good test results.


Kylie's momma said...

The SMILES say is all :-) Glad you BOTH made it thru. now for good news and answers!