Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Zoo, Zoo, Zoo!!!

The girls are on spring break this week.  It could not be a better week to be on spring break.  The weather is gorgeous!  I took today off and we went to the zoo!  It was in the low 80's a slight breeze and full sun.  The animals were out enjoying the weather too!!

The sun was rather bright!

Ivy's eyes were closed in the above photo and here.  I think she slept her way through the zoo. (ha, ha)

These two were my buddies.  I would talk to them and they would tilt their heads like they were listening to me and look directly at me.  They were so cute!

A very sad looking gorilla!

My butterflies!

1 comment:

Aus said...

The kids look great - and glad y'all had a good time - and I think the gorilla pic is absolutely AWESOME!! love that kind of camera work!

hugs - aus and co.